SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Can we get a vc on who voted so far

I think it would be best to revote after this mess, so sorry I ask of you of this ladies and gents

I know Wolfy is quite busy.
So can your Wolfy boyfriend have permission if you and Alfa arenā€™t able right now?


/vote exe


/vote Execute

Smacks Eevee with a news print roll


@techwolves keep healing me pls u saved me once already.

(Might as well do quick flavour since wolf and Alfa probably wonā€™t since it was only a modkill)

The execution of an evil king

You fiend! You know you cannot take back your words here, yet you are adamant that you should be allowed your way? Your people shall not stand for this!!

It is time for you to face the music and take your final bow, as you shall not be allowed to rule over us in this state. We do not allow rulebreaks.

Eevee was executed by the Courtā€™s rage and PKRā€™s sword of justice. He was a Blue Dragon King


Vote execute, Hip.
Everyone needed to revote after Eeveeā€™s trick


New vote count:

Execute: 5

Pardon: 0

Need to vote: 7

Iā€™m just gonna leave the flavor from now on.

From now on?
Awwww, but weā€™re within the final days T-T


Hello Mr Evil.
I have caught your final member.
It is time to say lights out to your faction!

@Wolfy 12 alive. 1 on trial.
Therefore 11 possible votes

11+1=12/2=6 majority

@Marluxion @PolikShadowbliss @Damafaud @Methnor @Ami @Pug which one of you shall hammer this scum Negotiator?!

/vote Execute


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ā€˜Silence in the court!!ā€™ a voice cried out ā€˜Let us hear this manā€™s story!ā€™ Many hours had passed as the remaining Blue Dragon explained why the Unseen should leave their past behind and start anew.
Slowly people said that the man was guilty, making sure he would be the one executed. The man who made the outcry decided to respect the courtā€™s wishes, and walked up to the stand where the man named Insanity was due for execution and moved his sword close to his throat.
Within an instant, the figure quickly grabbed the pushed them out of the window.

Insanity has been executed for treason. He wasā€¦

The Negotiator

Night 3 has begun. Day 4 will begin on Monday at 9:00PM (since I am working). King election shall also be held tomorrow as a reminder.