SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I’ll gladly take the sacrifice to show you all that I’m not NK and just an Alch

TBH you really shouldn’t. It’s not like the NK has the KPN to take out all the confirmed town.

Oh wait you claimed alch. NVM you should care.

By the way alch have you healed insanity?

alright yeah true.
This is probably a very slow NK.

Wait who ever needed healing sorry i forgot who

I was going to protect Meth tonight.

but I couldn’t visit

Hold on polik needed healing from poison yet the alch didnt heal him?

I think we are good for heals RN

I was retold to protect Meth

Please quote pug i missed it

Should i exhumn to find out the nk?

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Go for it. We can have the king (prob meth) guard you.

well oops.
I didn’t read the only matters part

how convenient

unlucky for you my spidey senses dont lie bitch

Probably because spiders don’t talk.

I slept peacefully.

/No Step up

Also I think Pug is really Alchemist

Since BD is gone it is safe to claim now. What are you?