SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

alch is more powerful than electro


10/10 Idea, make Alch a NK

I think Electro is interesting enough to keep around (unlike shaman)
but i do think he needs a couple of buffs (like the one just proposed in the FoL discord)

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Iā€™d rather see it removed but wouldnā€™t be against a substantial buff.

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Glad about reaper tho. Weā€™ve had a few suggestions for it over the months but Iā€™ve never liked any of them till cheesys. Having an NK that pierces immunity is so crazy important.

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Claims NK? Welp Iā€™m convinced.



oh right
might as well just
in case methnor doesnā€™t show up to Decide Fate

Iā€™m Killer/Offensive

you can just give me it.

Marl is confirmed to be Fool so yeah.

Night wouldnā€™t have been occupied if there wasnā€™t a Fool


I wish I got another NK.

Poss, Demon.

One of those two wouldā€™ve been nice

Look, why do we have to have 1 MVP.
I think this time it was without a doubt a joint effort as both me and Dama had big parts to play here

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pretty sure the mvp poll was a meme PKR


Even though this might be gamethrowing. Iā€™d much rather go out interestingly like Insanity, rather than Frostwolfā€™s shitty attempts explaining why he isnā€™t scum

note the ā€œproteccā€ and ā€œattaccā€ part


weā€™ll see

if anyone Polik was MVP for being able to protecc AND attacc

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Anyway, do you accept my offer

The Sith Lord lightning abilities will keep all the BD out