SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

btw I asked for approval for ‘Throne Neutrality’
aka the majority of players are neutral :^)

I’ll call Ajit Pai to repeal it

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but seriously, if you do host that gamemode.

If you don’t make a scum killer/nk Ajit Pai. I am suing



I’ll use it I guess…
But then, I have my mission so do accept that!

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What did you claim Parfait?

Parfait would be the Servant, I do believe

Parfait isn’t even in this game…

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Maybe caught was the wrong word but he was scummy because of Hippos bait.

Well, Hip did bait, I won’t deny that.
However as soon as frost sheeped, I picked up on it and it wasn’t until MUCH later in the day that Hip said about that

There is no servant, i’m a fool ya dingus

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You’re a foolish Alchemist.
I’ll give you that

I’m not an Alch though

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Guys, I claim Seeker

also I’m not NK.

I’m actually Invoker, sorry for the confusion

I just remembered:

Who is going to cook the food for this court room now that I’m gone?

If I’m an Alchemist
who occupied NightX? :thinking:
The whole reason I occupied Night was so Noz could bomb you
But Noz tried to heal me instead :cry:

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I was smart so I knew that the entire time :wink:

How are you alive?
You have to be alche…

Then why didn’t you say something like ‘I bombed Marl and he was immune’ :rage:


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