SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

no homo tho

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I don’t have a handy link to the thumbs down gif from Spartacus
Sad day
/decide fate Exeggcute

but sure I’d do it Noz :wink:

just as long as you say no homo


Oh no, I have been executed

I don’t want prisoners in meh country :stuck_out_tongue:


UK is actually the prisoners, as we can run a country better than them

If somehow this goes wrong and game doesnt end, Dama guard me tonight.

thanks for the win eeeeeeeedyot

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haha jk

send teh rebllious IRhs to austrllia. Thats my best idea ever. WELL THE ONES WHO DON’T WANT TO UNIFY IRELAND

austrllia best country

Wales best country

we have dragons

new south wales best country

(an australian state)
(also the one I live in)



we have dragons, but we’re new and south

also we have kangaroos

But do you have where Doctor Who is produced

I fucking love timtams
