SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Gg cant wait for another match this was fun i hope the devs do something like this someday

Glad i saved hippo the night the insurgent attacked

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I want a reward XD

Your reward is your life :grin:

Holy shit. The BD and NK both failed to get any kills what so ever.


I would definitely play this again.

But next time: Pirates!

Blame me for stopping bd from getting a kill i healed hippo XD

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blaming intensifies

I win!


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I got so unlucky, I invested the negotiator then got converted then defended him even though I did not know who he was and he got lynched causing me to die.

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While you blame that.

I blame my class

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There’s a poll on the Electro on FoL changes if you want it removed.

where is the fol changes poll?

Exsqueeze me, my final class was KING, I demand the sheet be updated posthaste.


I wonder how annoyed the insurgent got when he found out someone healed his target :smile:

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Still should have killed noz


Was tempted.
Trust me

consideirng all the anti-town things I did I don’t disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

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On the FoL changes thread

NK would have gotten a kill if Dama didn’t stand guard

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