SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!


Damn! 256 posts!


Polik I know how that feel

I really need to make my alarm toad screaming

that’s how you never sleep in

going to sleep now. night everyone

Don’t worry most are irrelevant

I don’t mind a jail.

oops. depression happened.

now I’m awake again

now I sleep again


you killer role?

I’m a Serial Thriller

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attac me if you are :3

whatever pkr claims I cc

also sage and phys on me please

he asked for phys, obvious BD, day 1 lynch plz

and enforcer and nightwatch

also king guard me or ur evil

@TPs don’t protec PKR. He needs to learn the true fear of dying

Asking for tp every game is a joke.

If anyone claims to be protective later on and says they did PKR N1 I’m gonna be instantly susp of you fyi

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