SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Actually he can be pretty good as scum

The sun has now set beyond the horizon, and everyone in the court began to yawn. They went to their chambers to go to bed.

It is now night time! Day two will begin at 17:20pm GMT on Monday 12th

Which is exactly what’s happening now.
You are struggling to do this.
No offence

(Sent same time as Wolfy’ s post. Won’t do another)

@strangle, you have not confirmed your class, and as such will be prodded. Please make sure to post the next phase (you have 24 hours), or you will be replaced!

This topic was automatically opened after 37 hours.

/comfirm I swear I did it before but eh.

Slept peacefuly :^)

Day hasn’t started you nerds


Sleeping peacefuly right now then.

If you pardon me…

The day has not officially started. I will allow this only this time, but every time the thread is unlocked, please assume that the day has not started and remain silent until you all get your results. Many thanks in advance!


The sun has risen, and the first thing that can be heard is the yell by the King. Everyone was ordered to leave the castle, except for the 16 suspicious individuals. He said that he knew there were traitors in the castle, and he wanted them executed. Everyone gulped and looked at one another, worried who to trust or not to.

It is now Day 2! Day will end at 6:00pm Friday 16th. (No one has died)

Slept peacefully.
Or at least I did somewhat.
Yare yare…

Slept peacefully

pkr converted confirmed

/vote PKR

Sleept peacefully.

Are you sure he’s converted?

/vote PKR

Random voting already? Seriously? At least wait for a Nightwatch to come out. Remember our plan last night with him?

Nightwatch is not outting himself for no reason.

Also Frost is probably scum.

Outing PKR as converted is not no reason.