SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Hip is the one backpedaling, not me.

Also, scum buddy?

You never sheep - 1 reason to vote you
You backpeddled after realising Hip caught you by reaction test - 2nd
You then voted me again because Noz voted first - pushing a ML- 3rd
You try to justify voting me over everyone else without even considering other things fully - 4th.
You literally have done NOTHING town AI for you - 5th

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Yet Sam.
While he is a newbie so maybe he’s not the best.
Decided to straight away stick up for you which seems like hard buddying - 1st
Is extremely adamant on you not being BD and pushed me after Noz voted too - Pushing ML- 2nd
Sheeping despite us already saying it’s scummy - 3rd

You claim Poacher
You got jailed
No one died
unjustified my ass, I have reason to believe you can be insurgent.

Also, why would Sam if he’s newly-converted Blue Dragon, try to defend himself if he can be new negotiator instead?

Also my english is bad in case you notice.

You have reason to believe that I could be?
Yet, you have no reason to say that anyone CANNOT be

I am waiting.

So until then, I am pushing you.

At this time.
You have no proof to say that I am Insurgent.
Also, just want to point this out to everyone.

Frost is calling me Insurgent in particular instead of just BD
This is suggesting that he knows who Negotiator is.
Which further proves that Frost himself KNOWS I cannot be Negotiator meaning Frost is one one the 3 BD members (Assuming they converted) and Sam is likely a 2nd through their reactions

The proof is you got jailed and no one died


Nobody claims Jailed normally.
I had no reason to claim it. I couldve stayed silent
Yet I outright admitted it.
Why would scum do that?
So they can be executed and lose?
Be logical here frost.
If anything my own reactions are confirming I am very unlikely to be Insurgent

Could be smart scum play if you say so yourself.

In fact, let’s give you what you want.
Yet another way to confirm me.
Let Nuclear and Sam check me


We all get that you’re village idiot.
If you could be even more of one, you’d literally change your username to suit it

Ignoring Noz like we normally have to do anyway.
Frost, can you agree to let me prove myself tonight.
If there is a way to prevent visits to me yet allow me to wolf, then I’ll be confirmed.

I believe you can agree to that, correct Frost?
As that way we will know that I’m Unseen if I’m not imprisoned again.

It’s against my better judgement, you’re wolving sam and I got imprisoned right?

PKR, you would be dead if you weren’t in jail. I suggest you don’t take that tone with me

I know you’re worried about me potentially being insurgent.
But that’s one of many things and asking Herbalist to out themselves already is pretty scummy

Yeah yeah.
We all get it.
You’re totally Alche/NK/Whatever