SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

…PKR was Jailed Polik

Ah. That makes sense.

I honestly forgot about that.

smh let me review all the chaos in humanity.

Yeah. That’s why I was saying it’d explain the 0 deaths if they both thought to try to kill PKR while he was wolfing me.
So pretty much any NK except druid and revenant/spiritualist are possible.


Poacher if converted is just a ruthless op class.

Yeah, the hunter’s special is disgustingly strong
'Yeah, just check me to make sure i’m not BD. I’m fine with it as long as someone heals me!"
-Hunter’s Special, 4 kills immediately.

Not to mention that the spike trap have 4 uses.

/vote boop

Pug + Noz = 2 alch claims, yes

yeah. 2 alchs and since Noz will be on you. I’m working with Unseen

Wasn’t pug an alchemist in the last normal FoL (FoL11) :thinking:
and didn’t he side cult

It’s like 2 neuts who always side evil.

As evil king… i like it. Duh.

@NuclearBurrito Are you counterclaiming Marshal or are you a nightwatch who windowpeeked? This is important information.

Slept peacefully.

@Pug @Insanity @techwolves we are voting Frost. Not Boopy
Marl is the 3rd claim of Marshall and has already been found as BD by one of the others.
We have 0 reason to trust what he says here.
Now votes back on Frost, thanks.

@Jazz check in please.
Whenever kidnapper checks in, imprison Sam. Simple as.

I’ve already created a full plan.
Frost is being voted
Sam imprisoned
Also, I literally stated there are 3 people who are more suspicious than Boopy anyway

Burrito didn’t actually claim Marshall which is why I wanted this clarified. He could have been a nightwatch who window peeked.

Also, nah we have absolutely no reason to vote for frost

Burrito 100% claimed Marshall.
Also, I’m pretty sure what Boopy is based on what’s been said.
I refuse to vote them and no reason to vote Frost?
Have you read the game?!

Frost is a common mislynch - This looks to be no exception. I’d rather check Frost to see if he is actually BD or Unseen, since he seems to say scummy things regardless of his alignment (for some reason.)

Boopy has said literally one thing this entire game, how can you possibly know what she is?

Marl. I’ll strike a deal with you.
We vote Frost today.
Someone may look into Boopy tonight.