SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

(This is a joke in case that wasn’t incredibly obvious)

You’re asking for a fight marl.
I’m 100% Kidnapping Herbalist

alright then

Pug is confirmed to have dyslexia

I won’t be negotiated with sir

king is only 4 letters away from merc
:ok_hand: i get it

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Who wants to Angleshoot the classes that pug doesn’t like to play to figure out what he is? :thinking:

not me lol.

and inb4 eevee is BD King

I swear PKR good job doing a possible soft claim on ya class.

Alright bois

Negotiator - PokemonKidRyan
Insurgent - Strangle
N1 Convert - Me
Neutral Killer (Specifically Demon) - Methnor

Meme predictions go


Definitely voting up PKR first.

also is Fool or Masochist in play here?

It is.

you forgot one:

Alcoholic (even tho he’s not legal age to drink yet): Pug

and no. I’m not claiming alcoholic.
I’m not alcoholic (unfortunately, would’ve loved playing it)

I am always targeted as the scum at this point it’s a cliche aka that being HANG STRANGLE

You’re scorned with Strangle and Me as your targets
You’re gonna get an easy lynch on me d2 because the marshal scouted my conversion though

why would I want to kill my boy Strangle?

he’s a cool guy

Wait are we using old or new scorned.

If there is one?

We’re using the bad discord emote that pug has for scorned
That one

first of all. I deleted the server that was in after I was banned because no way I’d be getting SFoL 17 again. (I was right. XED 23 LET’S GO)

but I’ll post the image right here for you all to use.


when will this become an official forum emote?