SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

although it may have changed in the overhaul let me reread

You made a truce and you go back convincing like bad guy to everyone.

If Spiritualist get occupied or imprisoned, the ritual will fail.

Look. I am being serious here everyone.
Everyone here knows I wouldnā€™t promise something I cannot fulfil therefore I am 100% telling the truth

@eevee Plan
Debt Boopy. And have the Illusionist double the debt to me burrito or pkr


Itā€™s a Night Ability not a Passive?

I donā€™t remember that change

Wait I think I am gonna read the card.

And you may be telling the truth, the poacher isnā€™t guaranteed to spawn and you can use that as smoke screen to be left alone without occupying class to stop you, amirite?

Itā€™s night ability I think

Look. I donā€™t care.
I know thatā€™s a reason to suspect me.
But I promise on my whole FoL and ToL career that I am Poacher.

I promise on my whole animal cracker collection that i am the king


Do not undermine me Marl.
You know Iā€™m deadly serious here

Just because youā€™re serious, doesnā€™t mean you are ALWAYS telling the truth.

Deceiving exists for reason.

PKR canā€™t be spiritualist IT ALWAYS DIES N1 or thatā€™s how I see it because uhh it isnā€™t written on the card on what happens.

I donā€™t promise when Iā€™m lying.
I was telling the truth other times.
I am now

You high af?

The spiritualist doesnā€™t die n1 automatically if heā€™s stopped.

Just vote Frost so heā€™s at L-1
He is certainly scum

Stop it, Spiritualist.

Stop it Blue Dragon
You must be pretty desperate to push me if youā€™re gonna go there

No, I am not Blue Dragon. I am 100% Unseen.

You are not the only one trying to look unseen here.


How can spiritualist stop their n1 suicide?

You are spilling non-sense bro.