SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

Who cares? Let the enforcer do his own thing.

Itā€™s bad meme for christ sake.

That reaction is not town.
Not justifying himself. Literally just saying why not?

yeah thatā€™s the point of the whole ascended brain meme
something that makes sense and is logical in the first frame going to something absolutely ridiculous in the following

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Objection! The second image is not ridiculous at all!

Poacher is not guaranteed spawn, thus fakeclaiming as one is clever play.

So youā€™d fakeclaim poacher?
Please donā€™t even insult our intelligence

the odds that pkr would act the way he did d1 as spiritualist are next to 0%
like i said i only brought that up to put pressure on pkr for being a scummy angleshooter

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Poacher is a viable fakeclaim in some situations, discuss

Trying to go under the radar, if by plain sight necessary. Is exactly he would do.

Like whoā€™s going to visit Poacher that night?

If itā€™s later game and people know thereā€™s not one claimed
If itā€™s a cult game and they can bleed (If hosts implement that for a day ability but for it to be included in their night)

Now, I have to work!

Donā€™t pull anything stupid.

I donā€™t know if you noticed but 75 % of the day 1 posts are me and pkr bickering

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not sure how thatā€™s going under the radar

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Enjoy Work frost.
I hope the deadchat will be alright when youā€™re home

I think technically wolfy has to declare him on trial and then he has 12 hours to defend before voting starts

so heā€™ll have time

12 hours to POST a defense** not 12 whole hours to defend

Heā€™s long defended himself already
It would be more than justified to skip that

yeah but we have nothing to lose from more discussion time

I know in other games it has been skipped when the person has already defended themselves
(In most games actually)

We donā€™t need more discussion time.
Neuts know what to do.
Ruby has Sam imprisoned
Me and nuclear know what to do
Strangle knows what to do too