SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!



Current Numbers:

Players alive: 16 (9 votes majority needed)

Execute: 4

Pardon: 0

Not yet voted: 12

Actually, do it Eevee.

Humor me.

As for the defense, PKR voted me because I am sheeping on his wagon started by Hippolytus = non-existent because I am setting the trap as well, I just donā€™t need to inform Hippolytus about it.

Secondly, Insurgent, Spiritualist, it wonā€™t matter how I see PKR because in both cases he made clever fake claim and tries to gain towncred = Bleeding? Didnā€™t do it, Bear Trap? Didnā€™t do it, kidnapped? Yeah. No one died? How? Itā€™s simple, scum killer fits his description and heā€™s playing dangerous game to stay afloat.

I claimed Enforcer earlier and thereā€™s nothing wrong about it, so unless I am called cold steel someone to prove myself - yeah maybe I can do that to PKR but if heā€™s Spiritualist and he isnā€™t going to be occupied then itā€™s meaningless for me to do it and If he do flip as Insurgent then I confirmed myself, right now I have gone to protect Marl first night - whatever you going to believe or not.

Sam claims Marshal and checked me as not BD but Nuclear also claimed Marshal, and thereā€™s no problem for both of them being possible Second non-unique claim so if anyone happens to counterclaim Enforcer, do now so. That also contradict between Nuclear and Sam so choose wisely.

Regarding the Spiritualist, anyone thought itā€™s impossible to stop them - thereā€™s just slim chance to do it, but I canā€™t pass the opportunity to let PKR slip away and no one is going to occupy him - so if he agrees to do bear trap then healer and occupying class MUST visit him.

But do keep in mind heā€™s absolutely madman about getting towncred which he gained nothing right now, so everything he mention poacher, occupy-immune, bleeding. Ignore it.

Wall of text still doesnā€™t mean that you can escape the fate of execution.

Defense, Insanity.

Wall of text means no space between.

So what I sheepvoted on PKR because of his Poacher claim? I must be incredible stupid

inb4 Frostwolf flips Knight

Well I could be fool, you knowā€¦

Donā€™t pull a ā€œI am foolā€ on us.

Thatā€™s up to Eevee.

Literally pretending to be a potential Fool proves what Iā€™ve been saying that heā€™s trying to seem like Fool

Yeah no.
Marl is also a Marshal claim.
So you canā€™t talk, Either Marl, Sam or Nuclear is scum

1 Like

Lol what?

also enforcer is a fucking joke of a claim.
aka: git better claims boi

I have no idea youā€™re talking about, I dare challenge Eevee.

TPs on Boop tonight tho

The same idiots thought my Physician claim is fake and flips Physician actually?

Unseen must be incredible braindead.

the two arenā€™t very confirmable. I got to say thank you very much, remove your salt canisters from my basement asap

Eevee, donā€™t be scared of this.

I need a TP on me.
I donā€™t need the debt (As if my concept is correct. Sam was converted N1 meaning no convert tonight)

I canā€™t be BD, simple as that.

The reason I got voted is for sheeping, which is non-existent.