SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!

I’m pretty sure MM isn’t in the game :thinking: They’re off ruling this unseen kingdom or something

No, I was saying H. As I was thinking like it’s BD.
Then I have to claim P because of the precision on unseen me

G O O D K I N G I am.

Did I do it correctly, mom?

actually, they’re going to raid that Pirate Ship in the distance

alright I’ll stop making references to my custom gamemode

My slip up has made it so I’ve essentially D1 claimed T-T

Might as well follow through for a spicy d1 hard claim tbh

you claimed Negotiator

MM is the Unseen equivalent so yeah

but alright. you just claimed

There might be some newbies who aren’t sure.
So, I’ll avoid that Marl…
I’m just hoping you’re not like that anyway

Srsly pug? :expressionless:

A word to the negotiator;

If you convert me, you will regret it. That is all.

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Same here Negotiator.
Me and Marl are off limits.

I might as well join the day 1 softclaim.

starts with an A.
faction starts with N.

Sage, I’d suggest blocking off PKR

but seriously. I’m joking. I’m not actually claiming alch

You want Sage to protect me?
Thanks <3



we shall rule over.
also, I just don’t want you to be converted as it’d be a pretty good convert target

My claim starts with a Mar
and ends with a Luxion

I claim Druid

I’ll confirm myself by killing one of you when I can

Sage, if you was to WoF me like Pug suggests, I’ll take it!
As I’m quite a chill person with this and still want to avoid N1 Convert

save those things starting with t
