SFoL 16.5 - Return of the Return of the Blue Dragon (Hosted by Wolfy and Co-Hosted by Alfa) - Unseen, Mercenary and Alchemist win!


Didnt anyone think that’s suspicious

Come again? I’d like to hear from you

I didn’t make it that up, go fetch some posts

Wolfy kill frost so I could be confirmed. Thanks

Like, 2 Alchemists? And 3 Marshalls?

Too many doubles of conveniently easy to fake class for my liking

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Marshal is not easy to fake read the passive, if you jailed and not marshal you claimed it you dead.

Three is still too much:confused:
Why are the three

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Majority was reached on Frostwolf. We’re just waiting for wolfy or Alfa to flip him.
He ded

So as for me being scorned I would like to point something out: I am completely ok with the current plan in regards to who to kill. If you think I am scorned then who would my target be?

Marl? He’s being night killed.

Sam? He’s also being night killed.

Frost? I wasn’t even the one who initially called him out. I just caught on to hippo doing it and it went from there.

Tbh thought. King should be on Boopydoop and Illusionist can doup it to PKR rather than the other way around. I’m more scared of a Prince than a Hunter.

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He’s not dead until I have identified the body.

Me + 1.
Not sure on the second.

Yes, that’s the plan. This way we don’t risk the JK being converted.

Only night killed if his Marshal Passive doesn’t proc. (The JK immediately knows if he’s a Marshal.)

Delayed, I’m getting bled. But pretty much, if I can’t convince everyone i’m Marshal, i die.

Or if Frost flips Insurgent

@Jazz if Frost flips Insurgent, exe.
If Frost flips Negotiator then if Sam shows his card still, let him go. If he doesn’t, exe


god please

This made you sound like you was softing a Neutral King
Also you was saying you’d guard Noz who claimed Alche instead of a town member which implies you are cowardly
(P-Edit: Stopping)

Alche healing me when I debt someone would be a great plan, but you was so much against it that you literaly ruined everything so far.


dear god stop please

We don’t need to worry about debting tonight.
Someone was likely converted.
Save the debting for N3
@eevee you are not force executing.
Please just confirm that