SFoL 20: FoL RPG (Unseen, Evil King and Fool Win!)

You’ll see it when you see it

Why Wham would visit me?

Or the part about Nerbins being MM although I’m pretty sure that’s just you memeing

Celeste shoots herself in the foot every time she rolls scum, lel
Notice how her only scum win so far on the site is by her saying absolutely nothing :thinking:

Marl is it possible that they are both evil?

I think it’s likely

I haven’t played enough games with Celeste, but what you’re saying is Celeste is awful when she’s scum?

p much
She tries to 40000 IQ it and slips somewhere small and obvious

Whamm claimed in jail right? Possibily miscommunication between the two parties

The only class in this game that can catch a conversion is observer
Why are they both still alive

you’re trusting Celeste, CSless Knight claim numero dos, over me based on a gut read and NAI slip
fucking rad.

They haven’t had TPS on them this entire game

Actually im the first knight claim l0l

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It’s not just that

If Celeste were the starting Assassin, I would be dead right now.

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Wouldve killed ya n2

Heck possibly night 1 xD

Remember the gambit Celeste and I pulled earlier? Where she realized I was prince and I realized she was knight so we swapped claims?

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There were no TPS on me that night

Did I not also communicate I clearly understood who you were.

Marl always leads town so if Marl isnt scum, then he must be killed for scum to win