SFoL 20: FoL RPG (Unseen, Evil King and Fool Win!)

Now. MthJoker has made NO SENSE.

Healing as an Alchemist is at Lvl 3.
If you are an Alchemist, you won’t bother to out yourself today. Nor will you bomb anyone. Why? For you need to use that Crimson Potion!

And you get it by levelling up tonight!
Why kill someone now when you will be useless the next day??

Unless… You want people dead. If so… you’re nothing more than another NK.

@MtheJoker I will suggest to you not to bomb anyone tonight and pretty much… choose the healing potion.

I would want an answer the next day. Please consider carefully.

Modkill him he’s… oh he’s a specator m

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(When I meant next day its because im sleeping now rip)

Enjoy the party friend! :3

(Sir! Do you have any lasts words? :cat: :gun:

I would rather kill him but thanks!)

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Modkilled… oh wait like I said can’t do that or wait can we…

@Twil1ight was the SPECATOR

Passive 1-Must eat popcorn-Must eat popcorn at all times and talk with ( ).

(Why are you so loud? I’m talking in your head and noone else can hear… wait…)

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Okay bye spectator -pushes lever that sends him back into the ever dark abyss-

Okay now we can get on topic which is lynching joker:

Shushies. I wanna do something serious. Please? OnO

I must see M’s reply. The reply decides everything, what I would propose.

Have you voted to vote the joker

(Magically dissapear without a trace…)


No. I am thinking fool. No way will he hint healer (SC-SelfCare) and then claim alch when he has STONESKIN.

I want to see his reply however.

Also, please show the reason why you think Lymph is evil. I may have missed it.

I outed myself because I thought ss was night action, I wanted to bomb some1 to prove myself, since everyone now suspects me


Phys isnt unique.


Not me


Don’t. Level Up tonight and take the Crimson Potion.

Pretty please?

But then I have no way to prove myself tommorow and i get lynched :man_shrugging: