SFoL 20: FoL RPG (Unseen, Evil King and Fool Win!)

What shouldve happened with an observer is that they checked me and/or nerbins until we slipped up and didnt visit Marl

Likeā€¦ youā€™ve said nothing to Maximus this entire game nor have you said anything to Shurian besides ā€œRip, Itā€™s shurian /vote Shurianā€ after you knew the other observer would have caught him.

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Convenient if you to share that night plan now.

Marl, I have a bad feeling about this game. Probably just a feeling that PKR is lurking

@CheesyKnives No bastard mechanics this game right?

Because I was in my fucking CLASS marl
thatā€™s literally nothing but nai and you should know that.

Pfft, my night plan? Guard marl every night

let me be clear, whammer - There is no way both you and Livicus are scum together
So Iā€™ll be jailing Livicus. If you flip town, Iā€™ll be executing him.

There are VERY VERY Few ways youā€™re both on a scumteam together

Is fire still alive in this game


So then you think Iā€™m MM over Nerb/Celeste

Well u can 100% trust fire for today. Possible convert tonight dih

Think of it this way - Nerbins CANNOT have converted last night if both you and livicus are telling the truth.

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Yes atm. Marl said you slipped with frost :woman_shrugging:

Meaning if we doubt Nerbins, we still have a day before MyLo
If we donā€™t - because you got a convert off last night

And I know for a fact Im not converted since im still suicidal :woman_shrugging:

Youā€™ve been quite suicidal lately, I noticed.

Fire cant be converted since he Ice warded marl and fked up stuff
Nerbins cant be converted if either observer was telling the truth
Marl is Prince and cant be converted

So its just me, livicus, and you whamm :woman_shrugging:

At least admit to Celeste the Frost slip is totally fucking NAI as the logs were right there if I needed to fake the result
If anything MM!Wham would put in the effort to write that shit down

Other than sam who is like 100% scum