SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!


The only scenario where Simon is scum has to involve him knowing that Maxi is occ immune while at the same time not visiting him.

The only way that could happen implies that scum convert Maximus tonight, which is beyond idiotic, considering he was heavily scumread D1.

My main problem is how Nucear got his results semi-correct except for this one detail without hte possibility of Illu…

Maxi was the first person online to indicate I was in jail
I believe they did visit me

@Whammerist were you jailed because when I said that it was a guess

I FREAKIN SAID I VISITED PREVENTED, nuclear has so much info from which he can easily fake to claim to follow me…

I was indeed jailed

/unvote until this nonsenese is sorted out.

When did they do that?

Question max.

1.are we allowed to paraphrase the birdie?

Maxi pretty much directly indicated I was the one in jail, but uhhhh
Good guess :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey Prince don’t jail me tonight please thanks

You can do tomorrow night if you wish :+1:


Bad kitten

(Sure idc)

:frowning: no paraphase

In other news Whammer is scum for trying to fish for the Prince D2 discuss

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Paraphrase away

Here you go

Strongly disagree they already outed

Wham is just aggressive like woman in PMS as usual

I have a slight scum lean on WKR, not that it means much but.