SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!


Decode for my class

Or is it… :thinking:

Rogue - Lurker
Wolfy - Lurker

Took out Max & htm cuz they posted

(Or at least was going to)

What’s the code? Also I just wanted to say neuts in

Dunno, maybe there was no code in the first place :wink: kekekekekekekekek

Anyways. Lurkers are bad. We must exterminate the lurkers.

Wolfy isn’t in this game btw

Erm… I have a weird timezone…

Eeerrrr there is no such thing

post it here so celeste don’t call me lurker (agin)

Pls tell me the code ;-;

AEST. I was at school.

No such thing as a weird time zone :wink: school though is an excuse I can understand :woman_shrugging:

Will study up on class cards.

Kay cool (isnt this game normal FoL classcards)

Yeah but I haven’t played in ages.

:woman_shrugging: true you were a fol 3 player or something possibly older

I dont really keep track

Just know that I always act scummy so your reads will most likely be skewed

cough Marl you might wanna tell him about how terrible a player I am

For theme purposes, @Ami and I may be referred to as MarlBugz

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