SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

sooo, still safe.

now.may you jail and exe Cheesy 2nite?

what you’re forgetting is that it’s basically certain that I have Royal Blood at this point.

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This post has been bugging me for ages

Yeah, he knew it. Boss really knew Pug isn’t prince for a while. It’s more of how he knew it.

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forgot about this too.

yeah. exe the boys

I mean so did I (Mole wasn’t convinced lol) but eh

Hunting the CL:

  1. Pugeste - confirmed
  2. OrangeAndMole5 - confirmed
  3. Liviphoma - confirmed
  4. WhamKidRyan - confirmed
  5. Iciown - confirmed
  6. Sylvee - confirmed
  7. Shurifaud - confirmed
  8. Ingmon - confirmed
  9. Hippo - King
  10. Boosswolves - knew that 1 is fakeclaiming, avoided traps in logs
  11. CheesyMeme - ???
  12. RougePrime - confirmed

Speaking of wich @Marluxion fix the title, only 12 people alive, not 13.

Hunting the N3 convert:

  1. Pugeste - confirmed
  2. OrangeAndMole5 - ???
  3. Liviphoma - ???
  4. WhamKidRyan - ???
  5. Iciown - ???
  6. Sylvee - confirmed
  7. Shurifaud - confirmed, claim to wolf someone.
  8. Ingmon - ???
  9. Hippo - King
  10. Boosswolves - ???
  11. CheesyMeme - ???
  12. RougePrime - confirmed (jailed n3)

Ask questions if you want. I can answer why people are confirmed or not.

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So it has to be CheesyMeme

/vote Cheesy

I feel like Bosswolves could currently be scum but their logs prove they aren’t CL. Probably.

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How about we hang king, jail one of them and investigate other?

I’d be fine with eevee executing Bosswolves

With 2 drunks and a butler, CL won’t be able to even move an inch.

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King is coward

He knew that Pugeste was fakeclaiming because we’d be incompatible otherwise. That’s all there is to it.

unless one is converted.

I think the convert immunes should occupy/debauch eachother

actually maybe.

I test someone who isn’t an occ immune

revealling my test just allows a possible ritualist to hide it

btw, what did RoguePrime claim in jail?

obviousluy Butler, since that’s the only possibility