SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!


If we were really Dking then why would we waste our force vote, when it might be useful late game?

To a coward it wouldn’t be as useful

Too much things were going on that day and ended quick

Scratch what i said on cowardly i mixed up mad and cowerd

Night Plan:
3 butler + drunks is bit too much, since 2 would be enough in case one of them is invoker and not gonna block a CL, but still noone else besige Shurian can be CL if Cheesy isn’t. And Cheesy is gonna be jailed.

  1. @Margaret / @Pug - check Liviphoma to have confirmed healer on prince, since they are unprovable other ways.
  2. @Whammerist / @PokemonKidRyan - occypy Shurian to test their’s occ immunity (only they can be CL if Cheesy isn’t tho it’s low chance)
  3. @Simon / Igneel - deb Shurian to test their’s occ immunity (only they can be CL if Cheesy isn’t tho it’s low chance)
  4. @Icibalus / @Unknown - deb Shurian to test their’s occ immunity (only they can be CL if Cheesy isn’t tho it’s low chance)
  5. @MaximusPrime - jail Cheesy, you can probably exe or eventualy wait for tommorow to confirm Shurian’s occ immunity.
  6. @techwolves/@Boss110 - confirm Shurian with Pug to eliminate the risk they are n3 convert.
  7. Shurian - whatever
  8. Orange/Mole - whatever
  9. Liviphoma - whatever
  10. Me - Party to stay confirmed BD for tommorow king election.
  11. Cheesy - be jailed, duh.


Liviphoma or Shurian is cult = good for us.

If not, we got 2 confirmed, butler/drunks gonna try to deb each other and Orange/Mole will be jailed, wich will end up in no possible converts from:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 from the list above.
With 11 on the list being dead that leaves only 6 on the list as possible CL wich would convert someone.
Ergo I would have to occupy Tech/Boss tommorow night for complete coverage of ALL cases if I stay butler.
If I will be king… well, there will be one opening at most.

That’s why Cowardly King is actualy better, lul. It makes us win in all cases.

I have the feeling that either Liviphoma or Iciown was converted probably. Low chance of Ingmon cause igneel isn’t even talking and Simon is sorta inactive. I don’t think they would’ve risked the butler with Merc, but it’s possible since it’s their only chance at winning. They couldn’t have converted Eevee since I jailed them and I doubt they would’ve went for the prince claim thinking that it was fake.

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Paladin is unconvertable btw.

Oh it is? That’s good nvm then



Bosswolves is confirmed maid with his info, could’ve been converted but definitely not CL

I’m sad that no one saw our death note because Ashe didn’t die BTW :cry:

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Ici plz

I’m your bane, remember? OMEGALUL

Kek confirmed fool here



I’m seriously being called king of fpsing on MU.
What tf did you expect me to do? Tell truth?

It’s fun lol

all my scumreads were wrong
two people have fakeclaimed Prince as town in the same day

Noow this is the shit I play Mafia for!


Fool Prince is actually good though, and the reactions are funny as well
