SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

and then we can have King guard you tonight, now that it’s no longer Cult King

I was suggesting we lynch someone else instead lol

Cult can’t attack me. No convert for sacrifice

Well can we still see Eevee’s logs?

I’m gonna assume they are pretty weak

and @Pug and @Margaret mind checking us again tonight with the ability that kills whoever you check if they’re Cult?

@Icibalus @Unknown

Hey if you guys are there we’d appreciate your logs and reads

I think that only works on themselves

They can empower their test so it kills cult if they find one, but cools down if they check a non-cult. If they used it last night, Livi is 100% framed

I’m off too sleep. The more I think about it, the more sure I am that eevee is a scorned :thinking:

I’m talking about Cleanse, the empower check

Can I just say that I’m proud if us only having one dead BD that died, and that he was only a knight who died guarding someone N1(shit this probably going to jinx it)


Nah it won’t get jinxed, but regardless having no BD deaths Nights 2 to 4 is really good

How many possible starting BD are there in this game btw?

I think like 11 to 13 or something? including Prince and Paladin

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Because the 17th player could be BD or Neut

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Wow I finally surpassed firekitten’s post count

I’m posting more to compensate for Rogue

How do you check post count?

Bottom of OP

NEVERMIND I’m an idiot

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