SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Next Discobot post results in a modkill btw ._.


Can I modkill me and pug @Marluxion

I’d very much prefer that you not

A modkill nullifies your win btw

okay errr guess not

We are town??? Did not sheriff confrim us???

SHERIFF??? … its a cult game

The Paladin got a red check on you.

@Icibalus I think its time for a decide fate my dood

The Accused has given their defense - You may now begin voting /execute or /pardon.


@Icibalus Use your decide fate or u a Devout King my dood

When Unknown is in thread and you still poke Icibalus.

Cuz I like Ici more than unknown

@Unknown I will poke you instead. Don’t worry!

Why do you do these things

Nah. Let’s just execute. Why waste a DF?


Cuz I do

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Nahhh use decide fate or you getting decommissioned

Its more of a safe guard in case you betray us or something

Plus u wont need it and i dont wanna wait till everyone votes exe