SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

We were.
This is pretty unfair right now…
Being suspected for saying truth…
Marl, help

@Ingeel @Simon pls speak

This is a fair question to ask here as it should be common knowledge:
If a Merc stands guard on their contract but the same night someone tried to debauch their contract, will the contract be notified that someone attempted to debauch or not?

Gotta @Marluxion

Also no

Is this a question for me? Or no? If so, @ me.

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It’s a question for you.
Pls don’t make me copy/paste :expressionless:

Mercenary prevents all visits. This includes things such as debauch. You aren’t notified of prevented visits

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@orangeandblack5 I think I’ve worked this all out.
Wanna hear me out?

You can try but you really need to try to come up with something believable lol

good luck with that btw

Let’s start logically and look at Ingmon’s likely new things

@Pug test us plz

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If they’re truly invoker, this makes sense of a vital piece of info that we had to suspect us from:
1 being that Simon claimed he had “Forgotten to debauch”. Instead, they used Strings of Corax on us to him for ‘confirmation’ and then to spread suspicion
Or they just debauched, as they still can I believe

Cult convert night was last night

and you’re suggesting there was another Cult Leader instead of Cheesy who converted Simon Day 4

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Cult convert night happened N3

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god this is confusing as shit

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What are u guys saying

Cult convert night = N3, N5