SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

In any case, as previously said Eevee is basically confirmed scum here, though I think Ingmon is the person we should kill tommorow


I think you need to jail Ingmon here. I strongly suspect that they’re the Cult Leader

Yeah the “forgot to debauch” is sus

Basically. It could be put down to the @ limit per posts (another thing that’s annoying and should be removed so we can @ all living players to remind them of things in-game.)

Wait nvm thought this was Eevee lol.
I’m still probably executing this since the game probably ends before WKR dies of guilt from killing me.

Then vote up eevee :thinking:

If you weren’t redirected to the same target that’s not a possibility.

I’m checking it out with Marl, but the problem is that why would Ingmon not claim to have redirected WKR in this case?

I’m basically forced to conclude you’re scum here.

None of this paticularly matters because we win pretty soon

How does that even make sense

Occam’s razor literally points to them lying and us catching them

There is no other explanation I can come up with and I’ve been mulling this over for literal hours

I highly suspect a conversion on W!KR and Ingmon. By my calculations, unless they decided to waste their convert on me, it doesn’t really matter.

And honestly, I can see that Orange is trying to be pro-BD here, but in the future if I were actually converted and had Orange as a merc, I’ll be pretty fucking scared.

And thus… before I go to sleep, did you think that the n3 wine was a mistake?

@Icibalus Did you get poisoned by butler?

Although I suppose it is possible that WKR lied about who they targeted and did get swapped

But that still makes them liars, so we’d still prefer to contract Max :man_shrugging:

I was poisoend by either Butler or Invoker

Wait wtf Invoker can poison?

Read through.
If dies in 1 day, goodbye WKR.
If not, get the rest.

The problem is that WKR yolo poisoning makes no sense for him to do as Invoker

Anyhow We have 3 confirmed (Scorned, Prince, Pally)
(Hunter= Me)
1~2(Cult) [Merc, Drunk, Butler]

It also gives us a reason to lynch the others, as they can only be the n5 convert.

So its either Ingmon or OrangeandMole as the n3 convert.

Thus, eliminating one of them, jailing the other is a confirmed win for BD.

And therefore, /execute