SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

I’ve explained everything in my myriad of posts up there.

Im sowwy but cute durian is not here right now, please leave a message! :3

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Also, doesnt mean W!KR is cult. It just clears OAM.

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Cute durian is only superseded in quality by scary lead durian

Aye aye captain


We’ll see when the king dies. I doubt King dies tonight tbh.

Hey, Hey, OrangeandMole! Guess what? You get to win if W!KR is not Cult! Isn’t that AMAZING?

/execute Muahahahaha

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I mean you do get that if Orange is merc he’s been genuinely gamethrowing regardless of our alignment

So at this point if he’s actually a Merc rn me and PKR are just going to report lol

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I mean understandably they’re pissed at the n3 occupy

But hey you weren’t converted then so its okay :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well yes but them attempting to get us up is going directly against their supposed “wincon”

Orange even said he’d drop it earlier because he knew that’s a valid point
And now he’s on the stand and he’s going for us again
it’s just lol

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Feel free

We can still win so :man_shrugging:

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Because Ici and Pug cleared up the other possibilities are, well, impossible.

You have yet to even attempt to explain your night results, by the way.

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Merc isn’t BD you dip

Merc doesn’t care about alignment that’s not how the class works

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We also don’t have to care about our first contract

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My night results are exactly as I said they were
Ingmon is occupy immune, someone attempted to redirect us, Ici is poisoned

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According to Marl others in this game have done things even closer to throwing lmao

Wouldn’t give specifics but I’d imagine the Cultists getting jail executed may have just fessed up lol

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You LITERALLY do have to do that
That’s literally confirmed you absolutely dipstick
Do you play this game

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That’s not even possible unless Ici was also redirected

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Honestly I think orange may actually be Merc but I think we only get 2 trials unless FoL is different. Also I’m kinda lazy and don’t feel like arguing

No trial limit here

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There’s no limit

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Oh good

Ici is poisoned.

Thus. Wham!KidRyan cannot be CULT LEADER
You are compatible with Wham!KidRyan n4.
You CANNOT be Cult Leader.

I am HUNTER. Wolfed d2, n3 Blessed, n4 CL jailed, n5 beared. Thus I am out.

Pugeste is PALADIN. Thus Cannot be CULT.
RoguePrime is PRINCE. Thus cannot be CULT.

InsanEevee is SCORNED. Kingless Frame on LiviPhoma? 1000% WON SCORNED.

Ingmon is CULT LEADER CONVERTED N3. N4 Occupy me. N5 Attempt to convert. No other ways around it.

Here is an explanation for @Whammerist
SCORNED used BAIT AND SWITCH on Simon to Me. Thus you getting the Redirection Message.

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