SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

anyway. we’ll all execute

When we mislynched Liviphoma

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oh okay.

I’m a poopoo then

(but Ici, vote to execute this ugly and stinky cultist now pls?)



Gotta wait for the bois to say something first

@Shurian vote to execute this and end the game

now we wait for Double WhamburgerKR, :b:eveesanity, Dogs are better durian

marl they are literally confirmed scum can we just end game nad not waste time

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There are 5 people who can vote so we need one more to hammer

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:man_shrugging: As soon as either of them post you can vote. (I’ll stop allowing for defenses in my future games, just slows shit down)

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Hey hey, I’m still doing the Nozzy Challenge in Survivor, chillax, and plus they have not gotten up a defense yet.

@Simon @Unknown Say something and end this game.

t h e g a m e i s l i t e r a l l y i m p o s s i b l e t o l o s e j u s t l e t u s q u i c k h a m m er

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Yo hey Marl

There are 6 people allowed to vote! You + Pug + Shurian + Eevee + WKR + RoguePrime. Shurian can’t even be the hammer yet as 4 is majority.


I’m calling IdiotPrime and Rogue

oh ye im dumb but please let us quickhammer

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@MaximusPrime @Rogue

Welcome to the realm Idiot and Stealthy Kid