SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Not actually countering the arguments and just calling your accuser scum.

Yeah. That’s me.

Also no one investigate me n1 pls :wink: you won’t regret it

TBH last time I called someone out for using a Chainsaw Defense on this site, it was Marl and they flipped town after get hit with maf’s nightkill

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Whamm… you see me with my chainsaw defenses all the time

TBH last time I got called out as chainsaw defense was when u got voted up D2 with no info, and, guess what? I flipped town :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

Oh yeah this tone is 100% faked


Am I finally your superior?

Yeah I’m secretly someone else pretending to be me. Obviously.

Scorned much? hehexD

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If you think I’m not scum, then yeah sure

Knowing the risk that this comment poses to me depending on how Maximus flips, I honestly disagree.
This seems like salty Town!Maximus 101.

I mean you’re faking the tone you’ve spoken in in previous town games. I can’t quite name it but it’s very distinctive.

Plus I’m just pointing out that if you’re town you should actually counter my argument instead of just calling me scorned.

Wew how’d you guess are you scum like another game? :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

Arguably the actions are the same, but imo the tone behind them is actually entirely different.

Hmm tell me exactly how I speak pls, I would like to know as well lmao

Ew countering arguements instead of memeing

I believe Max is Idiot Town, Fire Idiot Town, Ici Mean town, and Whamm as neut/scum


I’m always village idiot

Also, agreed.


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P.S that isnt actually what Im feeling so likely not accurate

Read Infiltrator. It’s the same tone.
The question I’m considering is why it’s come out so early, but being this defensive as town seems to be NAI from when I’ve seen it elsewhere so who knows.

The really important thing I noticed is that before and after my accusation on you your amount of emojis per post was cranked up a ton. Emojis are used as jokes a lot so you were trying to back ‘meming maximus’ again.