SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Read Infiltration in Bowser’s Castle.
Don’t worry, Maximus won’t stick around long.

I meant Ici

No, cause I’m getting attacked N1 feelsbadman

Jk self defense

Are. You. Trying. To. Kill. The. Princess?

Yes, and unrelated.


Whamm must be evil! He knows its an Unseen game!


My IQ is 1000 points below Marl’s!

And Im Proud to be that way! REEEE

I didn’t know that marl had 1200 iq :thinking:

He goes up to 50,000 when he tries to gamesolve

What if he’s scum

Marl is host

Maximus in Infiltrators 1.5 was a lot more analytical than this by the way. Just saying.

He was scum that game

I have no need to call analytical this game, cause i have a head to do all the work for me

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Oh right conversions. Well, let me show you some proof with some POST BY POST ANALYSISTM

I’m typically more analytical when it’s not day freaking over with no lunch as well

But pkr is getting converted night one