SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

We are gonna use same acount (my Sylveon alt) to reduce confusion if it’s allowed

should be fine

@Hippolytus @Simon @Icibalus @Whammerist
all need a partner still. Just keep me updated (or if you dont want to find your own partner, lmk and i’ll put you into the rng pool)


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Hydraing with @PokemonKidRyan :smiley:

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Notes to self:We are doomed if they are evil I repeat doomed

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3 spots left - Icis partner, Simon’s partner, and one RNGboi


It filled that quickly?


When are you planning to start :thinking:

Right. Now

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3 spots left tho


If discobot was here there will be 2!

/join with @discobot (aka random)

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


Wait can we still join or nah?


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Also no discobot

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Marl i’m going to make a hybrid host account does that sound good?