SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Wrong info = not town

I am proven town to myself as well :thinking:

I’m not trying to convince you that you aren’t town. I’m trying to convince the people who can’t be convinced

This sentence gives me scum vibes

Uhh this sentence makes me feel confused tbh

I’m trying to convince others you aren’t town. It’s not worth my time to try to convince you that you aren’t town.

This is actually the first time I have read kitten as scum tbh…

Congrats on a faulty read.

Do you need someone to fix that?

‘faulty’ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Faulty means false I think

I want one of the drunks to redirect me tonight.

@orangeandblack5 you chose wich one.

I know it’s just that I’m not scum and that i am right

English is not my first language sooo I could be completely wrong tbh

Both drunks are confirmed unless invoker but ok one of them Deb you

Or a aloclohic

They would have to be converted N1.


Spelling is hard when auto correct doesn’t do its job

Why is it so disturbing to me that everyone seems to be certain it’s either Unseen or Cult game to me?

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Even when it does it’s job it does it bad

Ici max can only be a butler

No one else is occupy immune