SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

There are trials lol

Nope we are executing

We were already voting Nuke tho…

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I meant hammer to trial

don’t lol me hoe

I still derserve a lawyer



Oh that’s awkward why didn’t you say so when I said to hammer now I look silly


No you don’t

Criminals and liars deserve no rights in this court!
Also you have no money to pay for one

Sillier than usual*


Welp I was focusing on the rest of the chat tbh

Prolly shoulda told you, sorry


The system by law has to offer me a lawyer.

The system even if I can’t pay for a lawyer has to offer one for free.

Not in this court! Fite me

The only lawyer you have is yourself and nuke!

No thx

Ima get my defence brb

I still don’t really trust wham tbh. Sure his wagon grew crazy fast but I don’t really like how he’s talking. Constantly saying “lmao” in particular. Plus pkr is being silent af and let’s face it pkr always loses interest when he’s scum.


Also someone said phys is confirmed but I am fairly sure phys/alch is confirmed and since there is a dead alch we may not have phys.


Still pretty sure physician is confimed

Hey hippo

You dare you to decide fate :wink:

Btw I am still observer and simon and max is scum