SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

I wont jail you tonight as long as u dont side with evils :wink:

I’m probably going to die tonight or get king exed anyway :roll_eyes:

Not like I can do anything except be a vote if I’m fool

King doesn’t have force exe.


(lucky for pkr :wink: )

Lucky that you can’t doom yourself with it.

Inb4 Celeste is bluffing and she’s going to jail and exe me tonight because I’m “confimed fool”

Oh whew no order exe

Satanael =/= Satan btw

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You still can’t decide fate

Wasn’t wrong

Fuck this
Htm/hippo counts as 2 I believe

NuclearKitten(8/8) - RoguePrime, Ingmon, Iciown, Eeveeon, Hippotm, OrangeAndMole5, Pugeste
Ingmon(1/8) - NuclearKitten
ShuriFaud(1/8) - AshTheJoker

Moleland was voting Simon but orange changed it lol

Nuke/Kitten is now officially on trial(maybe I missed a couple of votes but it doesn’t matter now)

So now what?

Wait for the GM to announce and let the defendant defend.

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Marl where the fuck are you

We need you to progress

No marl just stay away until the day ends

I’ll be fine don’t worry

I’m still a observer

But hi max the fool. You wish you were on the stand now don’t ya?


You aren’t observer obviously