SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!


Actualy, royal blood test Max for real.
I’ve got an idea.

I’d jail and execute Cheesy. (as he is probably CL)

All Royal Bloods step up considering king is dead. (yes, you too eevee…)

If Cheesy was BD, vote up eevee.

I’m the god damn prince you fuckers

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Punctuation marks are wonderful things :thinking:

the fuck. no…

Ok sending it to marl now

Thought Eevee knew that since he said I was jailed n3 but boss claimed to check me last night smh. Jailed Eevee n3 btw.

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(for king of course)

but may we please execute Cheesy?

Vote up as king or as to dead.

Cause why tf would you want prince dead?

as king

alright who is the real prince?

That confirms Max as fool, lul.

Give me 15 min or so to read through like 500 messages lol


eevee, just fucking please exe cheesy.

we can handle the risk

Hmmm sus

I jailed and executed frost Sam n2. Who else would have that type of deathnote?


Who else then me would find cult n2 purely via reads, since they were converted n1?

Guys i just checked max he has royal blood not even kidding

Bingo, eevee the butler faking prince is out /)

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I think we need a royal blood check on one of them.

techwolves. may you please do so?