SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Screw merc kings.

I need my BD king win to collection.

First time I could win as one, I was turned psychipatic king and ended up killing everyone… eehhh… yea.

Why isn’t he dead then

Okay then lynch us


:frowning: waaah

Although I will say we weren’t converted

We cant vote you till the call for king ends


I will say u were :thinking:

Marl even gave me the flavor text

Okay, then is there a Scorned or something? Were we framed

Nope, we specialy hung the Devoted King to avoid mind warps.

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That might make sense cause an empowered test does kill cult

Oh shit, you caught us. We totally had you and the reaper as targets. Lol


Nah I didnt empower mine

Someone else empowered it :wink:

What other classes empowers ? I dont remember seeing a class that does

As far as I’m able to tell, only Devoted King can mind warp/frame people from the cults.

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My life
