SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!


You were caught

Stop trying to replace out

@Unknown if you haven’t caught up yet feel free to

Technically I can’t stop you from voting us, as we’re Neutral, but you must realize that if you’re Good like I think you are you have to hit Cult today

We were right about Eevee, we’re right about this. Lynch it and get @MaximusPrime to jail Eevee and we are set.

“We were right about Eevee and we are right about this” Still gamethrows by Voting contract

Also, I’m gonna say this.
Marl triple checked. My results aren’t wrong.
So either Orange is lying through his teeth or he’s gamethrowing

Your definition of gamethrowing is clearly different from mine

We can still win

hold on a second, I was actually poisoned
W H A T D O E S T H I S A L L M E AN ?

Oh yeah Invoker

Yep Invoker 4 sure

And it needs to have been a butler

So we lynch WKR (read above for why) and jail Eevee tonight

You’ll still die but BD will win and we can offer a new contract

This makes me really happy that Prince killed Boss btw

Prevents the game from ending before we can recontract

It should be mentioned that while PKR’s let himself grow very emotional previously, I think he’s smart enough to not yolo poison me

Feels to me like a ‘ooh look at me with my AtE and here’s an ability that also happens to have a Cult Alt with the exact same fucking effect’

I agree, obviously

It’s not the exact effect Ici.
It’s the only way we can be proven.
I am sorry.
Please don’t vote us.
We will be confirmed tonight

It is the same effect. I receive poisoned and die in two days.
The difference is that you’re proven as cult in two days instead of just regular dying.

inb4 Blood of Mithras btw

Actually Invoker kills quicker

You was told you die in 2 days?
That hard confirms us actually

We are confirmed BD

:roll_eyes: here we go again

Do we need to get Marl here to disprove this one too