SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

You can literally not prove yourselves in any way whatsoever that an Invoker cannot imitate

My only option for a play is to guard my ass tonight so that when I die there’s no way that you can be framed.

Read Butler’s poison and it’s alt.
You’ll see the difference

can we just acknowledge how Butler poison has never ever been a good design idea ever

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I agree.
Also, Merc rework needs to happen here.
Like now.
We cannot have it stay as it is now

Let’s be frank here. Butler poison has always been a relic of the past, when there were tons of confrimable as fuck day abilities

As soon as Marl responds to my question in my role PM we can sort all of this out.
I can say that there is no scenario where you aren’t sacrificed tonight

I want an agreement here.
Everyone, while I am not confirmed here and have been scummy af today.
We should all be able to agree on one thing.
Orange is at this time gamethrowing. He has said that he doesn’t care as he can just recontract for the win. It is possible he is recently converted and as a result, we should vote him. As no matter what he is anti-game.
If me and Wham are BD we are confirmed tonight. If we are scum, we have to be the convert at worst. Yet he’s trying to get a potential convert killed before CL. Which to me is indicative of a scum member himself.
I want your input on this

Assuming you’re Cult, naturally. I honestly can see you flailing as either allignment here. I’m more inclined to you being Cult in this scenario tho

Bullshit Tinfoil That I Don’t Believe In Whatsoever: WKR is Fool

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What about the scenario in which we are Butler?

In that scenario, you die in 2 nights. No member of the Cult would ever convert you, which means if you don’t die tonight you’re confirmed town for 1 day.

Orange is wrong about one thing: We need to cut the Cult off by the head. Killing you is not the move for today, because the CL will still be running around willy-nilly.

We’re basically locked to a BD win, and since WKR is either scum or confirmed town by tonight, we win if we lynch the CL today.

Also if we lynch CL and can successfully occupy we are confirmed anyway

Fortunately we can use deduction™ to catch the Cult Leader, and by that I mean ruthless PoE

It cannot be me or Ingmon.
Reason being I poisoned you and found Ingmon as immune to occupy

hold on a second… Do you remember what actions Ingmon has claimed?

They claimed to have done nothing last night

Top 10 Anime Gamesolves:

Ingmon is the Night One convert, and was promoted to being the Cult Leader when CheesyMeme died.

No way is Merc contracted to Fool

Not possible