SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

And if we miss we’re fucked

Expecting us to not vote pkr at this point is frankly asking us to lose tbf

Although I suppose I could just hope we miss and sail to a Cult victory


WKR is not a safe lynch, because he is confirmed tonight as either allignment. I don’t want to take that gamble.

Wait wait think about it

Considering the sad post followed by the sadder like from your partner, I’ll throw me and my partner’s vote back on you to be honest.

You’ve lost all ability to complain about being occupied this game, considering your horrendous play and incessant complaining after the fact. Disappointing.

I agree.

It’s just less risky than the alternative, because lynching them and jailing Eevee guarantees we hit Cult.

/vote tomoleandback


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/Vote Eevee

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If y’all were gonna try and CC our night results why did you not start with that

As I was the first one on and didn’t consider it

Ici this pains us

But we can still win with Cult!WKR

So I guess you have our vote

Ici you should feel bad when this flips

WKR is literally self-resolving. There is absoloutely no reason why we should waste our time on lynching him today, especially since Paladin still has his cleanse left, pretty sure.

So we’re going for Eevee

Fuck safety

Speaking of plays this game that should make people feel bad, mind taking off that blindfold? It’s really driving a hard dip in your post quality.

We legit already called him out

I’m okay with getting him

I just want WKR jailed, especially if WKR/Simon scumteam is a thing

The amount I can be bothered to care about a game where a fucking Mercenary is making better reads than all of the BD combined is pretty close to zero


I can imagine it’s about the same amount I care about a game in which I all come back to is your continuous whining and contagious toxic attitude.

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