SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!



Two guys using the same forum account at the same time for Hydra games only

Oh yes.

MY other head literally did nothing.



Sadly alts are against the rules, yep. Hopefully a hydra function is added in the future.

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And you’ll never know who is talking at that point of time! Neato

For example if you were to push a new player, instead of the experienced ones…

You get the idea… right?

Looks at Bookmarked post.


So whammerist game which died

wow urs is so neat

neat spreadhseets are a myth pass it on

my sfol 20 spreadsheet looks like someone vomited on it lol


Let’s just say that me and Marl are cooking up some interesting and fun ideas for the game. It’ll be fast and feature lots and lots of death. And RNG. And attrocious hero shots

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._. you frighten me


btw Second Place MVP = @PoisonedSquid @psychoneirik for saving Ici (the carrying good king) from both a yoloalch and a reaper.



did you just implied I actually carried something

Other than debting the cult leader, yeah :^)

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holy shit my NuclearKitten’s push was a bus tinfoil was actually right
are my tinfoils acsending to a level where they’re sometimes right

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@PokemonKidRyan @Whammerist The reason your night results were so confusing (and perfectly emulated a real debauch from Simon) is because Iciown debt’d Ingmon, and InsanEevee Swapped Ingmon and Pugeste.

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I like rng!

s o w h y d i d n ’ t I g e t r e d i r e c t e d