SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

100% evil cause discobot said so

Don’t you mean 33% good 33% neutral 34% evil?

sure lets go with that.

At least the evil is increased by 1%

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Its day 1 and we have over 1k post.
@Marluxion why YOU DO DIS?

Celeste has most still lmao

I thought Ici had the most

It tells you how many each person has

Right below the OP in frequent posters

Really? Only 99? I’m disappointed

Lmao yep

Oh look pkr is here

Let’s convert him

You have to follow the chart

Max was being weird earlier on.
Could just be slightly memeing due to it being day 1 @Whammerist
Sometimes putting a global ignore on someone during a game is best.
Maybe Max is the ignore for this game instead of fire for once

Fire spoke more than Max surprisingly.

Hey, rood!! ! !!! ! what if I have important info >:( !!!

I hope you’re being sarcastic by saying surprisingly.
Request to rename firekitten into SpamLitten





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