SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

You know what, I do not even care

Uhh because I have generally strong reads, an analytical viewpoint, and promote discussion on my pushes?

You know instead of shit like
“I spiteshot you in JOAT and am 7for7 hehe ecks dee”
In a game that isn’t even related.

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I dont need to disclose my information.

Cause I can and ur scummy for pointing out the obvious

Because that makes sense :thinking:

No what fk it lets just kill him now unless someone has a magical day vog

Person vs. society conflict. Maximus vs, Society. Feels bad having Maximus as a partner.

But it does…

Rogue was also acting pretty scummy… just Max doesnt know how to hide it…

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:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: don’t be so sure of that, I’m the only person who is making sure I live till end game. Rogue probably thinks that stating silent is better until you have info but he hasn’t played for a long time so

Tbh, they acting so scummy it might actually be fool :thinking: IF FOOL WASNT REMOVED

I’m pretty sure I tried visiting the jailed person too, but I’m keeping that info to myself

Hey guys, Whammerist here, back for another magical day vlog.

there’s no dayvig in FoL

Ik thats the point thats why I said magical… aka modkill

How many is small text again :thinking: thought it was 4 but guess not

@MaximusPrime the best way to prove you are BD is to take a screenshot of your rolecard and post it :thinking:

You could try that.

Honestly if there’s this many preventions, I sort of want whoever was jailed to claim jailed.

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sure, i totally won’t get modkilled for that

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Nah whamm, I dont want them to claim jailed yet

Thats the point