SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

I’ma need to do this later. I saw the thing about Ashe’s slip but it’s hard to ISO someone on mobile.

Tbh I’m more unterested in Liviphoma vote on Ingmon.

None sheeped it and it looks awkward to a point where I think they have some info on them.

/vote Igmon

No fuck you I hit bingo

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You missed the poker boat, Orange. There is no bingo here, don’t get desperate.

Orange, are you Devon or Cornwall?

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Anyways the was, as WKR pointed out, a wagon I made with literally no purpose

The amount of sheeping on me is scary - people usually fight me tooth and nail whenever I push, especially if I’m pushing scum


But is that more scummy than Ashe? :thinking:

You miss the hydra joke :roll_eyes:


Simon hi buddy :wink:

Quick question. Did anyone try to occupy you last night? I don’t need details, a yes or no will do.

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Inactive hydra voting inactive hydra during when WKR wagon was formed, instead of jumping on this wagon?

I fully would expect Liviphoma to jump on WKR, so I suspect something behind it.

I wonder if Ingmon is Digimon or Pokemon on this.

Probally more digimon tbh

Can Celeste and Litten stop spamming plz


Following terms
1.She also stops spamming

Can my second half start posting plz

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Probably not.