SFoL 21 - Hail Hydra - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

:knight::knight: Welcome to SFOL21! :physician::physician:

Hosted by Marluxion and NozBugz!

What’s a hydra game?

A hydra game is one in which every play slot is instead filled by TWO people working as a team. Otherwise, this will function as a standard FOL.

Rules :scroll:

All standard FoL rules apply.
Majority is in effect
72 Hour Days / 24 Hour Nights

If you do NOT have a partner in mind when joining, you can /SignUp RNG, everyone who signed up with RNG will have a partner randomly assigned to them at gamestart.

Aiming for the normal 16 players, AKA 32 People! We’ll start with 12 (24 people) if we can’t get 16.

Playerlist :notebook:

  1. Firekitten/NuclearBurrito (NuclearKitten) - Lynched D2 - Seeker
  2. Celeste_Ludenberg/Pug (Pugeste)
  3. Moleland/Orangeandblack5 (OrangeAndMole5) - Lynched D4 - Ritualist
  4. Livicus/Lymphoma (Liviphoma) - Lynched D5 - Physician
  5. Ashe/MTheJoker (AsheTheJoker) - Lynched D3 - Reaper
  6. Whammerist/PokemonKidRyan (WhamKidRyan)
  7. Sam17z/Frostwolf103 (Frostsam) - Killed N2 - Apostle
  8. Icibalus/Unknown (Iciown) :crown:
  9. Eevee/Insanity (InsanEevee)
  10. Damafaud/Shurian (Shurifaud)
  11. Simon/Igneel (Ingmon)
  12. Hippolytus/HTM (Hippo™) - Lynched D4 - Devout King
  13. Parfait/AsrielDreemur (ParfaitDreemurr) - Died N1 - Alchemist
  14. Boss110/Techwolves (Bosswolves) - Died N5 - Maid
  15. CheesyKnives/Dusanking (CheesyMeme) - Killed N4 - Cult Leader
  16. Rogue/MaximusPrime (RoguePrime)
  17. Psychoneirik/Poisonsquid (PsychoSquid) - Died N1 - Knight

Backups - @Nerbins

Useful Links :link:

Forum of Lies Hub
Class Card Thread

Shortcuts :fortune_cookie:

Start of Game / D1
End of D1 / Start of D2
NuclearKitten’s Lynch and the Start of D3
Ashe’s Reaping and the Start of D4
The Creation of the Perfect Popcorn and the Start of D5
The Seperating of Liviphoma’s Heads and the Start of D6
orangemole’s Execution and the start of D7




Join with whom? Who will be your partner?

Marl. I ashamed you thought I wouldn’t join with Rngeus.

/join @Firelitten

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Fine Rngeus we will go later

/Join with @orangeandblack5?

Ill join with any one who will be fine dying D1

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Then I’ll /join

Serval people are typing…

Onto your team



you want to die n1. I’m doing so with you.

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Or you can

Cool thanks pug

because we’ll get neutral.

So I’ll be happy to die n1


Discobot decides the tie

I’ll wait for an open spot then

O shoot im getting fought over