SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

It’s not that good
but it makes a good meme
also it gets better the later in the game i get

did everyone just miss me saying this or

No, I still think it’s useless.

Yes! But I want the convert / killing immunity

And then it’ll be fun! And that’s what matters most in life, right? Fun?

Wait… if I go plundering, I won’t be able to occupy Boss

I heard.

/vote marl for plunder

We’re hanging boss!

And that’s why you want to give up my plunder ability for? Fun?


Don’t you worry, Marl show me the error of my ways.

Don’t think of it Frost. I still think Boss cooooooould be good.

Oh yea, I know what Frost is too actualy

I am sure but PoisonedSquid’s result is what sealed the cult for good. So hush fool.

No, you are not killing Boss tonight bro.

After CL is dead a GK killing themself is all we need… /s

Welp. Guess I have to disable Marl from plundering

And then cancel the prize if eevee steps up

Do you still believe that I have no idea what I’m saying after proving twice I know your classes, call me fool and vote Marl for plunder memes?

I can’t say what, but it’s waste to disable him.

Nah my dood, I wanna go plundering

Don’t be such baby, I trust Marl.

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