SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

No, I started pushing him because I read him as scum.


I didnā€™t.


Also there were no night kills when he was redirected. Cult should have killed last night

And I redirected Boss and he hasnā€™t said anything about it

There was a kill wich alchemist healed? Or was it only poison?

Just poison

Actualy he said he was redirected BEFORE you claim it.

It was only poison

Btw for anyone wondering - Boss didnā€™t vote up Tech.

Nor did he vote to execute.

Even if he mentioned my redirect before I did, he wrote in his logs that he wasnā€™t redirected

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Donā€™t misunderstand me. Iā€™m okay with Boss lynch, but not with your reasons. I had to find own ones.

@Boss110 Whoā€™s your top 4 townies?

Reason scum are losing so bad right now


They didnā€™t follow the chart

noooo just pardon execute me instead :cry:

Thatā€™s cause I bombed PKR n1, lul.

You arenā€™t alch

Go away

Iā€™m bored of misunderstandings one more time. Sorry Max.

Iā€™m alche, Max is bard, we were linked at the end of yesterday and hence we agreed to swap places and gave me his info.

I was meant to help him win and make him safe by pretending Iā€™m bard, but itā€™s getting infuriating rn.

Your welcome.

Boss,Boss,Boss,Memesky the only thing you can trust is youself and prince

And yes, PKR was bombed.