SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Indeed, who do you think is Whamm’s bound?


So i mean
if we want to focus on purely wham go for me

Would be silly considering how likely it is there’s a new cl

Like Boss said, he tried to convert Frost N1 but failed. He couldn’t have been converted N2 cause I redirected him nullifying the second convert attempt

The Cult are dead, Marl, I don’t want to lynch you, but we might have to do so if you think you’re the most likely bound

@Whammerist thoughts on killing marl?

Ah yes, the classic believe literally everything the scum says play
I’d rate that a solid bottom-barrel-idiotic/10

Dont fucking ping him
It’ll let him use his day ability

Yea. But what boss said was impossible

Now what would be the reason that Boss lied? He was after the NK just like everyone else.

I’ve already used it to be honest
I’m so proud of myself

He can’t be in Celeste now :wink:

Reinforced by the fact Celeste can’t be targeted by. Abilities right now!

Lynch everyone but Celeste :slight_smile:

You just lost me a spirit companion


Your welcome

Welp, there goes that plan :confused:

Whammerist quote your class card plox?

If it makes you feel better Moleland has poked me in my class card like twice for scout already lel

Will do