SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

Ah right
Sometimes I just find it best to ignore Firekitten’s posts

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You made a bad decision in forcing me to claim, buuuut… hey, plunder is fun.

I was

I was also jailed but did I give the same link.

I may of forgotten

First Mate Plunder is disgustingly good

did you receive the link?

Prophecy; This gets rerolled again because of game altering moderrors


/plunder vote eevee

/Vote eevee

wait a sec. 2 of these votes are for exe!

Okay, I trust him now
/vote Eevee

Plunder VC

Eevee- Nuclear, Firekitten, Eevee, Marluxion, PoisonedSquid

I’m on 5 votes, I should claim now or you will lynch me? Oh noes.



That was a joke

I know that’s why I react with rude

It’s my go to defence mechanic

Ok so I’ll make sure that Eevee doesn’t die (assuming that Pug doesn’t forget my existence again) so I just need someone to protect me.

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I read that as “Dude” tbh

Meant to type rude

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You’re actually just a secret ghost crew member. It’s a special bastard mechanic. None of your abilities do anything to the living and can only interact with the dead


If there is another deckhand then if he could guard me that would be perfect.