SFoL 22.5: Siege on Xed (End) - Revenant Unfortunately Wins with Alchemist

If we exe me and exe polik polik loses

But itā€™s for the greater good he could be bound with the revenant?


Thats like saying he can be in the alch

Itā€™s for the greater good

Binding with the alch is too obvious
I can easily see wham binding with the merc though

Itā€™s literally the same outcome
Youā€™re dying
and so is a neut


But the neut loses

Can someone explain how all cult are dead?

We donā€™t know yet,unless someone explained.

We have no way of knowing for sure
Polik was a possible convert though
Meaning executing him is strictly better than executing the alch

But he loses then.

S o D o e s T h e A l c h

Alch is confirmed not cult FK

Oh okay

/Vote Fire

As long as every neut gets the same thing

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Tech visited fire n1?

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I am the CL /s

My jail doesnt stop visits

I guess this is itā€¦All or nothingā€¦

You exing polik then :wink:

Thatā€™s fine
Youā€™re making Polik walk the plank, it doesnā€™t matter if someone visited them